Blog Archives | Dentist @ W2 - London Dental Practice Paddington Dentist London Thu, 12 May 2022 11:37:45 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Blog Archives | Dentist @ W2 - London Dental Practice 32 32 Tips and Tricks for Proper Dental Implant Care Wed, 27 Jun 2018 06:53:12 +0000 Dental implants look and feel like your natural teeth. And, unlike dentures, they are secured in your jaw. That means you don’t have to worry about them coming loose. Because of these aesthetic and practical benefits, implants are becoming more popular here in the UK. In fact, about 10,000 implant procedures are performed in the lower jaw every year. If […]

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Dental implants look and feel like your natural teeth. And, unlike dentures, they are secured in your jaw. That means you don’t have to worry about them coming loose.

Because of these aesthetic and practical benefits, implants are becoming more popular here in the UK. In fact, about 10,000 implant procedures are performed in the lower jaw every year.

If you have implants, you may know already how long-lasting they are. With proper care, most implants can last a lifetime.

What does dental implant care consist of? Is there anything special you need to do for your implants? This article will answer those questions and more. Let’s go!

Post Implant Care: What You Need to Know

You can’t get cavities in your implants. That’s a good thing. But, you’re still at risk of periodontal disease.

Maintaining healthy gum tissue is key for the long-term success of your implant. Once gum disease sets in, you’re at risk for bone loss.

If left unchecked, your implant will eventually have nothing to hold onto, and it will fall out. Nobody wants that, especially since implants are so expensive to begin with.

In what follows, then, let’s see how to brush, floss, and take care of your implant. Ensuring the health of your gum tissue means your beautiful smile will last for years to come. Read on!

Cleaning Dental Implants With the Right Toothpaste

Dental implants today have a rough implant surface. It helps with osseointegration. That’s a fancy word describing how the metal of the implant connects successfully with your bone.

That connection is why your implant stays firmly rooted in your jaw. Clearly, you don’t want to use any product that wears away at your implant’s rough surface. It would make the implant much less secure.

For these reasons, using a low-abrasive toothpaste will prolong the life of your implant. Stay away from any toothpaste with the following ingredients:

  • Stannous fluoride
  • Sodium fluoride
  • Baking soda
  • Stain removers

Also, avoid any kind of smoker’s toothpaste.

Following this simple rule is key to a long-lasting implant. In the next section, let’s look at how you brush your implant and how often you need to do it.

Brushing: How to Clean Dental Implants Properly

What kind of toothbrush you use is less important than your brushing technique and how often you brush. In fact, studies have shown no difference between sonic, manual, or electric toothbrushes.

Whatever type of toothbrush you use, make sure it has soft bristles. Again, you don’t want to wear away at the implant’s surface.

Some people find interproximal brushes to be helpful. They are small brushes designed to get into the gaps between teeth, and they can help you clean hard-to-reach areas. Choose one with nylon bristles (no metal wires) so as not to scratch the implant’s surface.

Most important of all is good brushing technique. It helps prevent periodontal disease in all your teeth. This includes your implant.

As you brush, concentrate on one tooth at a time, covering all its surfaces. Also, try to brush for at least two minutes a day. You can set a timer or sing a song to yourself to make sure you’re brushing long enough.

In the next section, we’ll go over flossing. It’s also an essential component of your implant’s long-term success.

How To Floss Dental Implants

There are many types of floss to choose from. The best kind to use for your dental implant is unwaxed tape. It will protect the gum tissue surrounding your implant.

In addition, you may find a floss threader to be helpful. This is especially true if your implant is connected to a bridge or bar. They allow you to reach around and clean tight, small spaces.

When you floss, you want to make sure you work not only on the implant but also the peri-implant crevice. This is where the implant meets your gum line.

It is a favourite place for bacteria to congregate and can also fill with plaque. Those factors make this area especially prone to inflammation. Make sure, then, to keep an eye on it.

But, what if you floss regularly (and well) and are still prone to inflammation?

This could be the result of genetics, or it could be problems with dexterity. In either of those cases, you might want to consider using an antimicrobial mouth rinse in addition to brushing and flossing.

Or think about getting an oral irrigator or water flosser. They blast out jets of water, removing food bits quickly and easily. Water flossers are also gentle on the gums, even as they allow you to thoroughly clean any crevices or pockets.

In the next and final section, let’s see how often you need to see your dentist to for proper implant care.

Visit Your Dentist Regularly

The final tip for implant care is to see your dentist on a regular basis. Every three to six months you should have a professional cleaning and exam. The dentist also needs to take a yearly x-ray of your implant.

They can assess whether your home care regimen is working and recommend any changes if it’s not. They will also look for inflammation or gum disease and work to halt its progress.

Maybe you need to add a mouth rinse or use a different kind of floss. A quality dental professional will make sure you’re treating your dental implants properly.

Conclusion: Dental Implant Care

With proper dental implant care, your implant can last for years to come. You’ll have a beautiful smile without the wobbly and unstable teeth associated with dentures.

If you have implants already, we hope you’ve found this article helpful. If you’re considering them, make sure to use a professional who can do the job right. Problems from cheap dental implants can haunt you for years to come.

We are a family-run practice. We offer everything from regular check-ups to teeth replacement, whitening, and straightening.

Feel free to contact us today to ask about our services. We’d love to hear from you!

The post Tips and Tricks for Proper Dental Implant Care appeared first on Dentist @ W2 - London Dental Practice.

7 Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Invisalign Treatment Mon, 28 May 2018 06:37:49 +0000 It used to be that if you never had orthodontia, or if you did and your teeth still settled back into their old pre-treatment disarray, you had few options. You could get implants, or you could get the same old “railroad tracks” that you wore as a child. Many adults were reluctant to go through that pain, expense, and embarrassment […]

The post 7 Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Invisalign Treatment appeared first on Dentist @ W2 - London Dental Practice.

It used to be that if you never had orthodontia, or if you did and your teeth still settled back into their old pre-treatment disarray, you had few options. You could get implants, or you could get the same old “railroad tracks” that you wore as a child. Many adults were reluctant to go through that pain, expense, and embarrassment again.

Invisalign changed all of that, allowing people of all ages to achieve sparking straight teeth without the heavy hardware. However, if you choose to get Invisalign, you need to adhere to a few simple rules if you want to have the full benefit.

Here are 7 Invisalign tips to help you get the most out of your invisible braces.

1. Change your Aligners Regularly and in the Right Order

Invisalign is a treatment where you wear a set of plastic removable trays on your teeth over a relatively brief period of time; patients usually wear Invisalign for about 12-18 months to achieve the desired results.

Your dentist will work with you to create the customized set of trays for your teeth which are changed every few weeks as your teeth start to move.

In order to get the teeth you want, the best Invisalign tip you need to follow is to listen to your dental professional. They will fit you and provide the appropriate trays at the right time for your mouth and rate of treatment.

You may want to rush through the treatment and try wearing the tightest trays first. Listen to your dentist! They have been trained in this specific treatment and know what will work best for you to get the smile you want.

2. Wear Invisalign 22 hours Per Day

The most important Invisalign tip to follow is to wear these devices for the prescribed amount of time. Usually, dentists recommend that they be worn between 20-23 hours per day. They should be removed during meals and to brush your teeth.

Of course, many people do not want to wear braces, invisible or not, or a job interview, date, or other important occasions. The whole attraction of this product is that they are removable.

It is possible to take out your Invisalign if you need to feel extra confident and don’t want to worry about them for a few hours.

However, if you really want to get the full effects of Invisalign in the shortest amount of time possible, wear them as prescribed.

3. Floss Regularly

Recent studies have claimed that flossing regularly does not necessarily prevent cavities. The dental community still disagrees over how much is enough and how effective this practice is overall.

However, if you wear Invisalign, it is important to floss regularly. The plastic which covers your teeth in this mode of treatment means that bits of food can easily get trapped between your teeth.

They do not get washed out with saliva and drinking fluids as easily as they would if you did not have these shields over your teeth.

If plaque and bacteria are left to fester underneath the trays, you will develop cavities, gum disease and other problems that will require more dental care beyond teeth straightening.

While dental professionals can give you a full smile makeover to address problems beyond just straightening, why not prevent problems by flossing regularly for the cleanest, prettiest mouth possible?

4. Pay Attention to Dietary Guidelines

The dental professional who guides you through your Invisalign treatment will give you a set of rules to follow to further protect our teeth.

Just like when you wore the old-fashioned braces, you will be advised to avoid very sticky foods like gum and taffy. Because Invisalign often uses attachments to the teeth, very sticky foods can pull off those attachments. This will require another trip to the dentist and a delay in the eventual smile that you seek.

Your dentist may also advise that you stay away from foods that stain your teeth, like coffee and colas.

5. Learn to Speak With Them In

You may find you have some trouble speaking clearly the first time you put on your Invisalign trays. This is perfectly normal. Most patients get used to the trays quickly and learn to overcome any slurring or lisping they initially experience.

Because you need to wear Invisalign for up to 22 hours per day, you shouldn’t take them out every time you expect to be speaking with someone, This would significantly diminish your wearing time, and thus reduce their efficacy.

Most people will not notice you are wearing anything on your teeth at all. The sooner you get used to speaking with them in, the sooner you will be able to reap the full benefits of the treatment.

6. Don’t Be Afraid of Attachments

Sometimes your orthodontist will need to attach small buttons to your teeth to move a particular tooth or make sure the tray stays in place. These attachments may feel funny at first, but they are an integral part of the treatment.

These attachments are usually clear or white, so they will not be noticeable. They serve an important role in the Invisalign method, so don’t avoid them. Remember, they are so much better than the heavy metal rings they used to use to surround your teeth!

7. Wear Your Retainer!

If you have invested in yourself by choosing the Invisalign method, you will want to do everything you can to protect your investment. This means you must wear a retainer, even after the treatment is finished.

Your dentist will give you an apparatus to wear at night to make sure your teeth do not move into their previous positioning.

Even though you are surely excited to not wear anything in your mouth after months of treatment make sure you wear your retainer as instructed. You don’t want those months to go to waste!

Follow these Invisalign Tips for the Smile You Have Always Wanted!

Invisalign is a relatively easy and painless way to get the smile you have always wanted. Make sure you observe these simple Invisalign tips and you will be able to keep smiling for many years to come.

if you are interested in whether the Invisalign method is right for you, contact us.

The post 7 Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Invisalign Treatment appeared first on Dentist @ W2 - London Dental Practice.
